03 Nov 2024

Hiking Trip - Hamatoura Hike - Koura District

    Discover the Diversity of Kousba Hike: From Cliff Tops to Riverbanks

    The Kousba hike promises an array of experiences. You'll traverse mountainous cliffs with sweeping regional views, descend into lush valleys alongside the riverbanks, and navigate through both open terrains and dense forests.

    Given the terrain's undulating nature, expect to encounter ascents and descents along various slopes, categorizing the hike as a Level 5 challenge for the entire group.
    Our journey commences at the Kousba electricity company. Embarking on a considerable uphill stretch, characterized mostly by a stony staircase, you'll eventually arrive at Deir Hamatoura. This monastery stands as the "Guardian of the City," perched upon rocky formations that offer captivating vistas.

    Continuing along the cliff's edge, the path presents moderate difficulty, demanding a watchful eye. As you progress, the sensation of being atop the world will envelop you.
    The trail eventually guides you to the riverbank, providing an idyllic setting for a serene waterside pause. En route, numerous abandoned houses echo the whispers of past civilizations, showcasing their historic footprints. A delightful lunch spot awaits nearby one of these venerable structures.

    Upon journey's end, a breathtaking view of the sea will unfold before you. Diverse indeed! This hike encapsulates a splendid variety of landscapes and encounters, ensuring a multifaceted experience for all.

    WHERE: Hamatoura/Kousba
    In the north
    750 meters above sea level.
    70 km from Beirut

    WHEN: Sunday, November 03

    MEETING PLACE: 8:30 AM in the parking of Sagesse School in Jdeideh, facing the public garden. (See map on: https://www.vamos-todos.com/Pages/ParkingMap.aspx)
    There will be a breakfast stop along the way.

    PRICE: 30$ per person including transport, guides and insurance.
    Kindly get the exact change.
    You can register now at all branches of Antoine Library or on the following link:
    Looking forward to see you!

    WHAT TO GET: Lunch, light snacks that will boost up your energy such as dried fruits, water, cap, sunglasses and sunscreen. Wear comfortable shoes such as hiking shoes and always keep a windproof jacket in your backpack.

    - Children with the age of 10 and younger will have a discount of 4$.
    - Children/ Teenagers between the age of 11 and 18 will have a discount of 3$.
    - University students will have a discount of 2$ provided that they present their university card.
    - Groups with 5 to 9 persons, with different criteria than the above, will get a 2$ discount.
    - Groups with 10 or more persons, with different criteria than the above, will get a 3$ discount.

    - Cancellation with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged half-price
    - Reservations with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged an extra 2$
    (e.g. Cancelling or booking for a Sunday’s event on Saturday will be subject to the above terms)

    - Smoking is strictly prohibited during the event
    - Always follow the guide on the designated trail
    - Do not go off road without notifying the guide
    - Do not get close to a cliff especially when the guide in charge tells you not to do so
    - Although accidents are covered by the insurance but they remain under the responsibility of the member
    - Sometimes, due to reasons beyond our control, slight modifications to the program may occur. Ecotourism rules must be followed, otherwise personal accidents will not be accounted for by the insurance.

    RESERVATION: Every day from 8am till 5pm on 03-917190 or 79-115001. It is preferable to send an SMS or WhatsApp from your mobile, giving your name, surname, and the event you wish to join.

    - “LIA Assurex” is the exclusive insurance company sponsor of Vamos Todos.

    Vamos Todos
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